A reel difference. I'm a sucker for good solid keyframed animation and Takuya's Showreel possess it in adbundance. It's interestingly setup with shots of him using AE's graph editor (which he's clearly mastered), scrolling on an ipad and animating and rendering within a 3D software. It's clever and quick way to summarise his skill set and immediatley helps the showreel standout. Then the fruits of his labour are displayed, chopped up into a cohesive mashup supported by a perfectly suited electronic sythesised track. It's a joy to behold.
Make It Better
It's not often I find myself at home on Friday night. So I've decided to use it semi-wisely. The semi wasting sereval hours with my addiction the 'The Wire'.
Came across 'Make It Better' by Climent Canal & Sebastián Baptista. A beautiful piece of design and animation that challenges you to look at your work and do exactly that. Make it Better. It's already recieved over 2,000 likes on Vimeo and praise from many including Jr Canest who I consider to be an AE animation pro.